Welcome to the University of Arizona Safe Cats Blog!

Welcome to the University of Arizona Safe Cats blogging site. This site is specifically designed and created to address the culture of safety and promote a safe campus community. Please provide thoughts or feedback to any issues you see on or off campus relating to the student, staff, and faculty population. This is a safe campus community and we are interested in seeing what you think.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How can we get the safety messaging out there to reach YOU?

What are the best ways for students to get messaging on safety?
How creative can we get to reach ALL students? Flyers, emails, posters, technology of some form? What works?


T.J. Swift said...

Facebook and tabling on the mall.

Anonymous said...

I agree, creating a facebook group with updates would be the fastest way to reach the student body.

Jrad said...

Facebook is a good way to do this, email, and posters in the bathrooms

ezgoindude said...

Facebook would be the best idea atm, HOWEVER, alot of my friends are already tired of facebook so if going online is your best source to message this make sure youre up to date with what website kids are using.

Posting Flyers in all the main locations of campus year round would also be good, as if someone is lost at night theyre not exactly going to be near a computer and seeing a number on campus would be helpful

ZBz said...

Like everyone has already said, Facebook would be your best bet. THe whole college world is obsessed with facebook and they check their account multiple times throughout the day.

Unknown said...

A good way to spread a message would be to place Plasma screens throughout the student union, similar to what they have at some parts of Eller. Another good way is ofcourse email, and as some other poeple mentioned; Facebook. Students are checking their facebook and myspace pages multiple times a day, therefore making it a suitable solution for spreading the word about safety.