Welcome to the University of Arizona Safe Cats Blog!

Welcome to the University of Arizona Safe Cats blogging site. This site is specifically designed and created to address the culture of safety and promote a safe campus community. Please provide thoughts or feedback to any issues you see on or off campus relating to the student, staff, and faculty population. This is a safe campus community and we are interested in seeing what you think.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Roster

To: Campus Community

From: Oasis Program Against Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence: Erin Strange, Violence Prevention Specialist
Date: Month of April
Subject: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month and the Oasis Program Against Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence is partnering up with various campus groups, departments, and organizations on the following events.

RAD Self Defense:
RAD Self Defense courses will be offered to female identified individuals interested in learning basic self- defense. RAD demos last
two hours and are hosted at Campus Health. Those interested in registering for RAD classes should contact Melanie Fleck at 621-3941
or fleck@health.arizona.edu .
Thursday March 31st: 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday April 5th : 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Thursday April 28th: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

UA Hands Project:
Come show your support for violence prevention! A table will be set up on the Mall where students, staff, and faculty, can come together to show their support and further the message that our hands are not for hurting. Dip your hands in paint and add them to the banners that will be used at the Take Back The Night rally. Don't want to get your hands messy? Don't worry, we'll have plenty of opportunities for people to create posters and add messages of support!
Monday April 18th 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Tuesday April 19th 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Wednesday April 20th 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Take Back the Night:
The UA Oasis Program Against Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence in collaboration with the Women's Resource Center, Fraternity and Sorority Programs, Men Against Violence, and other campus organizations, is proud to announce this year's Take Back the Night, a national march and rally to end sexual assault.

The Take Back the Night movement unifies community members by educating and
inspiring them to speak out against sexual violence. The event will include a march around campus, a community resource fair, speakers, poetry and music by CatCall.. Our keynote speaker this year is Emily May from Hollaback!, a movement dedicated to ending street harassment using mobile technology. The evening will conclude with a survivor speak-out to honor victims and empower survivors.

Take Back the Night is a great opportunity for anyone impacted by or passionate about ending sexual assault to come together and create positive social change.

Date: April 26, 2011
Time: 5:30-8 p.m.
Location: The march will begin at the parking lot of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Student Center, located at 1322 E. First St. at 5:30 pm.
The march will conclude at the UA Women's Plaza of Honor, located on the SE corner of University Blvd and Park Ave., next to Centennial Hall.

For additional information contact Erin Strange, Violence Prevention Specialist, at (520) 626-1829

Monday, March 21, 2011

Plagiarism Prevention Workshop

Tragedy in Japan

TO: UA Campus Community
FROM: Meredith Hay, Executive Vice President and Provost
DATE: March 18, 2011
SUBJECT: Tragedy in Japan

The University of Arizona community has been closely monitoring the tragic situation in Japan.
While heartbroken over the devastation that has claimed countless lives, I am thankful to inform you that no University students or employees were hurt. The situation remains delicate and continues to change daily.

The earthquake, tsunami and damage to some of Japan’s nuclear reactors have resulted in the issuance of a Travel Warning from the U.S. Department of State, which strongly urges U.S. citizens to defer travel to Japan at this time and asks those currently in the country to consider departing.

The Travel Warning has prompted the University to ask any UA students and employees currently in Japan to leave the country.

If planning to travel as a University employee to countries under a Travel Warning, you are required obtain approval from the UA Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost before commencing travel.

If you have imminent travel plans to Japan, please contact Gail Burd, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, at 520-626-4099 or gburd@email.arizona.edu to initiate the approval process and discuss potential options for deferring travel.

It is important that you are aware of the UA Interim Policy Concerning Study, Travel and Research in Countries under U.S. State Department Travel Warnings (http://policy.web.arizona.edu/~policy/Interim_Travel.pdf). This policy outlines expectations regarding student and employee travel in areas where there are Travel Warnings.

The essential elements of this policy are that:

• Employee travel to countries under a Travel Warning that forbids, restricts or otherwise urges U.S. citizens to defer travel to a certain country, is generally prohibited unless advance authorization is obtained from the Executive Vice President and Provost.

• You should evaluate your planned itinerary against the information in the Travel Warning and avoid or defer travel to identified dangerous areas.

• Students and employees must be allowed to opt out of travel if they wish, and must be provided with an alternative to participation in any scheduled trip to countries under a Travel Warning.

• You should print out the Travel Warning and provide a copy to each trip participant.

• Students are required to sign the Travel Warning Release Form, which is available from Risk Management & Safety (http://risk.arizona.edu/forms/TravelWarningReleaseForm.pdf).

For additional questions regarding the UA Interim Policy Concerning Study, Travel and Research in Countries under U.S. State Department Travel Warnings, contact Steve Holland or Herb Wagner (520-621-1790) at Risk Management & Safety.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Have a Safe Spring Break

Subj: Spring Break Travel
From: casares@email.arizona.edu

Many students will choose to travel to different destinations over spring break. As you make your final preparations I would like to make you aware of an upcoming campus educational program that may be of interest to you.

March 3, 2011, 10:00-2:00 -Spring Break Safety Fair, UA Mall

There will be a variety of booths, demonstrations, and interactive educational opportunities available for students to obtain safety information and other resources on spring break travel. This program is jointly sponsored by ASUA, UAPD, and the UA Parents & Family Association.

For those students traveling abroad, the U. S. Department of State website provides extensive information regarding travel requirements and safety information. In addition, information is provided regarding Travel Warnings and Alerts for specific locations around the world. Travel Warnings and Alerts are issued to disseminate information about short-term and long-term conditions, generally within a particular country, that pose imminent risks to the security of U.S. citizens.

September 10, 2010, The Department of State placed into effect a Travel Warning for Mexico. This warning describes recent violence, and provides guidance and additional links regarding travel in Mexico. If you choose to travel to Mexico for spring break, I urge you to familiarize yourself with this information and the following resources, tips and suggestions to increase your safety.

--Going to Mexico - Spring Break Safety Information http://www.health.arizona.edu/health_topics/mexico-brochure.pdf
--Spring Break in Mexico - Know Before You Go http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/spring_break_mexico/spring_break_mexico_5014.html

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason Casares, Assistant Dean of Students & Campus Safety Coordinator, through any of the following options - 621-7057 or casares@email.arizona.edu.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Break Safety Fair and Workshops

Beginning on March 12th, 2011 through March 20th, 2011, University of Arizona students will be on Spring Break and enjoying their time away. Please remind students to “Stay Safe”, “Stay Smart”, and most of all, “Stay Alive."

The University of Arizona Police Department has partnered with the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and a plethora of other units and departments to host a Spring Break Safety Fair. The purpose of this fair is to provide students with travel and safety information during their break. It will take place on this Thursday, March 3rd 2011 from 10-2pm on the UA Mall. There will be FREE FOOD, PRIZES, and MORE!

In addition, the following week, March 7th-March 10th, will include the kick-off of the Spring Break Safety Workshops which will be taught by your peers about a variety of safety topics. There will be FREE PIZZA and SODA everyday of the event. Please see the flyer for more information about the locations.