Welcome to the University of Arizona Safe Cats Blog!

Welcome to the University of Arizona Safe Cats blogging site. This site is specifically designed and created to address the culture of safety and promote a safe campus community. Please provide thoughts or feedback to any issues you see on or off campus relating to the student, staff, and faculty population. This is a safe campus community and we are interested in seeing what you think.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Flu Shot Clinic on the UA Mall

The Campus Health Service will hold a flu shot clinic on the UA Mall on
Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for all members of the University of
Arizona community.

Limited supplies of both H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccines will
be available. Because the H1N1 vaccine is supplied by the
federal government at no charge, it is free. The seasonal flu shot costs $15; Campus Health can bill insurance companies.

As we enter the peak period of the traditional annual flu season
(January through March), it is especially important for
everyone to get a flu shot if they have not already done so.
Most experts believe that we will continue to see H1N1
flu -- a third wave -- in communities across the Northern
Hemisphere during the coming months.

The H1N1 flu vaccine is available now in ample supplies
and everyone is encouraged to get one. This includes
people in high-risk groups who have not yet received the
H1N1 vaccine:

> Pregnant women
> Household contacts and caregivers of children who are
less than 6 months old
> Everyone between 6 months and 24 years old
> Anyone between 24 and 64 years old who has a chronic
medical condition

PLEASE NOTE: Because of increased supplies of the H1N1
vaccine, anyone who wants to be vaccinated -- regardless of
whether they fall into the high-risk categories --
can receive the H1N1 vaccine.

For those who cannot attend the clinic on the Mall,
the Campus Health Service has injectable H1N1 vaccine
and a limited supply of injectable seasonal flu vaccine available
through its Immunization Clinic, located off the main lobby of the
Campus Health Service in Highland Commons.

To find out about other places offering H1N1 vaccinations,
visit the Pima County Health Department's H1N1 flu Web site at

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